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March 19, 2006

ER, black schools and the issue of avoidance

As you may know, the so called "Equality Riders" are in and out of jail while they are on their propaganda tour.

What I found really, really (okay one more really) strange is that there are no black Christian schools on the ER's route list. A great majority of black schools were founded by black churches. Morehouse, the #1 HBCU, was founded in the basement of Springfield Baptist Church in Augusta,GA.
The school also has had several incidents of anti-homosexual violence. But for some reason, ER skipped over a Morehouse visit.

No, according to ER, not one single black Christian school is guilty of discrimination. Strange. But all the white schools are. I wonder why ER doesn't want to confront black schools? Bad PR? Black students may not be as welcoming? Conflict of interest? You know it wouldn't look good with an MLK picture as your mascot getting arrested at a black college.

This is mainly why white homosexuals go for the jugular on "white conservatives" but they shy away from confrontation with blacks, even black liberals who oppose homosexuality. Somehow they sense things may not go so well. It reminded me of the case with Mary J. Blige and PETA. Mary promised a beat down if PETA threw paint on her fur coat.

Warren Throckmorton has been following the ER story here, here and here, with an eyewitness account from Regent University's Dr. Mark Yarhouse.

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