To my friend James: No matter what the devil throws at you, keep smiling!
Due to training, I will not be posting [much] this week. Please feel free to use this post as an open forum with the understanding that it will be closely monitoredand any unsavory posts will be deleted promptly. If something I feel important comes up, I will post as an update.
To get the ball started rolling, I will say what some others may be hesitant to say regarding the defaced billboards in St Louis and many others bearing the "freedom from homosexuality" message. This is the work of homosexual activists. I dare anyone to prove me wrong. Because people like the ones at "xgaywatch" foment hatred and fear of former homosexuals, it becomes easy for angry homosexual activists (though cowardly) to commit such devious acts. This demonic behavior is a result of not being able to stop conferences like Love Won Out, which amid all the hatred stirred up by angry homosexuals, posted a record attendance.
With each conference, though it seems the evil unleashed by these individuals grows more frantic. They are really, really afraid of people learning that homosexuality is not the big, fat ugly unchangeable lie they have worked so hard to make appear truthful. That's what happens when people wholie start to lose their grip: they resort to intimidating criminal activity. If this had happened to anything remotely connected to the gay community, it would be eagerly investigated as a "hate crime". The defacing of billboards bearing messages about exgays has become a familiar intimidation tactic of the gay community against former homosexuals. Billboards in Virginia and Metro ads in Washington DC have been defaced, not to mention the frenzied gay orchestrated attack on the LWO in Boston. To me, gays are sending out a message to an entire group of people that our efforts to be heard publicly will be met with violence.
Actually, I'm thinking rats in an alley have more character than the lowlifes who intentionally commit these crimes and then run for cover under the rainbow flag. The coven of homosexuals at "xgaywatch" used the billboard crimes as an opportunity to further their campaign of gossip about Exodus President Alan Chambers. Again, rats in an alley have more character. Until the police report comes out proving me wrong, that's my official position.
Speaking of "xgaywatch", its founding honcho, Mike Airheart is frothing at the mouth over the Constitution Party's platforms. Prominent among his baseless accusations is "racism" which is interesting considering one of the CP's main men is the Georgia chairman Ricardo Davis, an African American. Ricardo is also a personal friend of mine. I spoke at the 2004 state convention and was well received by both blacks and whites in attendance.
**UPDATE: I forgot to mention that the Southern Voice interviewed me in conjunction with their story about the upcoming book "Ex-gay Research: Analyzing the Spitzer Study And Its Relation to Science, Religion". I would like to say that SOVO reporter Ryan Lee has always treated me fairly and I told him that as a gay reporter Im sure he brings a fair amount of presumption to the table, but that he had my respect.
With some media outlets, its a gamble because you really dont know if they are going to misrepresent what you say. Although I took pains to explain to Ryan that our objective has never been to change from "gay to straight", but to submit our will and sexuality to God, the part where I'm featured is still a bit strange. I'm at the very bottom in a "this versus that" type of format.
**UPDATE #1: I told you homosexual activists were behind the billboard vandalism. The picture says it all. And one nutcase had nerve to say the board vandalism was "affirming". Alley rats have more character.
**UPDATE #2: You know I am really, really enjoying Stacy Harp's Writing Right. Where has this woman been hiding? She is great and has such a gracious balance. I admit I am slightly off kilter most of the time. She even lists some gay blogs on her site! Here, that's a unforgiveable malfunction. But the woman has grace, ok? In particular Stacy's posts
here and
here are deep, spicy and funny (in that order).
If Stacy keeps this up, I can see Perspectives becoming obsolete. :)
**Update #3: Although I am well past the age of ever becoming an American Idol, I can however live out my fantasies vicariously through the contestants each year. Speaking of contestants I was completely dissapointed at the female contestants this year. There's not a single one that I can say has any spark, fire or talent. Its getting depressing seeing them sing these uninteresting slow songs. Even Ann Nesby's granddaughter is just blah. Most of the girls are pitchy (lol) and its just aw-ite for me.
The guys however are on fiyah! I particularly like the vocal stylistics of Jose Penala, Elliott Yamin and Chris Daughtry. And for some strange reason, Im really like lil Kevin Covais. Maybe its that underdog thing. I would be happy to see any of these guys win, although Penala aint no joke!
Another interesting fact about the top 24, 19 of them said that God would be the first person they thank if they win. Several of the contestants specifically cited relationships with the "Lord Jesus Christ". Hopefully they won't forget the MAN if they make it to the top.
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