In its June issue, Charisma Magazine features a story about a COGIC(Church of God in Christ) Pastor in Charlotte, NC who is fed up with the silence of fellow clergy and the emerging secrecy of homosexual sin in the church. In what has become known as "the dl" in black communities, there is a growing alarm that closeted homosexual men are taking over the church and ruining it. Maybe Rev Willie Wilson was right, but its not the lesbians its the gay straight, but gay at night closeted dl men.
Charisma quoted me throughout the article, but I won't tell you what I said. You'll have to buy the June issue to see it.
Here's an excerpt from the article:
A North Carolina minister is challenging pastors to confront "closet homosexuality" among men in the church, noting that the practice is devastating marriages and families across the country. Pastor Michael A. Stevens Sr. of The University City Church in Charlotte, N.C., said a "righteous indignation" prompted him to address the undercover culture called the "down low," a term used to describe "straight" men—married or single—who secretly have sex with other men.
Stevens, whose church is affiliated with the Church of God in Christ (COGIC), said he became a "defender of truth" when he discovered that far too many pastors were unwilling or ill-equipped to address the flagrant practice. Despite this reluctance, men involved in the lifestyle say the church is where they often meet other partners. One man, who would not disclose his identity for fear he would be shunned, said "down-low brothers" are active in every area of ministry in the church.
"I used to think pastors wouldn't address the issue because it would mean losing gifted choir members, or offerings, but that's no longer the case," Stevens, 36, told Charisma. "There are national black pastors and leaders involved in homosexuality."
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